Sunday, September 14, 2008

Recipe Site

As you may have guessed I am addicted to collecting recipes! My email inbox is packed with daily emails from yahoo groups, websites, magazines and blogs that have recipes.

I am slightly obsessed with the collecting, more so than the using! I think I could eat something different every day for 5 years at this point... Given the "great hard drive crash of 2006" I have clearly bounced back! That event was the reason I started blogging, not to make money, or have readers, but simply to store my stuff so when the next hard drive goes I won't be as lost!!!

So sites like Food Classics appeal to me.

  1. It has a newsletter, more inbox filling!
  2. Readers can submit their recipes = diversity
  3. It's easy to use, finding just the right recipe, search by ingredient, ethnicity, category, title, holiday, or prep time

Savory Lentil Loaf sounds like a recipe I may be adapting for our tastes. I'll let you know how it works out but I'm thinking of combining this recipe with the Best Ever Meatloaf recipe.