Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday Decadence

Just got back from the stores, at least we didn't get up at 4am. There just wasn't anything I needed THAT bad!!! I managed to get almost everything on hubby's list minus the guitar/amp combo he asked for. Now I need to focus on out of the family gifts & our exchanges. I bet my sons teacher would love Gourmet Chocolate Gifts as much as I would. I am drooling over the dark immersion box now!

I bet the Princess's dance teacher would be ever so grateful to receive some Liquid Chocolate mix. She is pregnant & as soon as she can eat real food again I bet chocolate will be most appreciated!

Then there is hubby's boss lady. He tells me that we are a lot alike, so I bet something from the Christmas Chocolate Gifts page would earn him serious brownie points.